Preparing for Pandemic Influenza
An influenza pandemic occurs when a virus starts spreading worldwide or across a large number of international borders. Pandemics can result in fatalities and major disruptions of society, but their effects can be mitigated. That is why companies, governments and citizens around the world are undertaking preparations to delay viral spread.
Tarjeta Oficial del DOL
Duration: 25 Minutes
Language: English
Level: Certificate
Tarjeta Oficial del DOL
Duration: 25 Minutes
Language: English
Level: Certificate
An influenza pandemic occurs when a virus starts spreading worldwide or across a large number of international borders. Pandemics can result in fatalities and major disruptions of society, but their effects can be mitigated. That is why companies, governments and citizens around the world are undertaking preparations to delay viral spread.
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Preparing for Pandemic Influenza